Thursday, October 8, 2009

a few nature outings and a sewing project

this was a gorgeous afternoon spent on a well-shaded waimanalo beach. i took lots of adorable pics of the kids and scott playing in this big hole, but the kids were in their birthday suits as usual... i'm starting to feel like i shouldn't be putting my kids' nakey bums on the internet so much.

even my crapola camera can sort of convey the perfection of this day:

the following four pictures were at the lyon arboretum, where i take the kids for a walk sometimes. having a little non-stressful interaction with nature seems to put us all in a better mood. at the arboretum it is nice and cool-ish, there are groomed paths, and of course lots of beautiful trees, flowers and plants that we all enjoy.

the kids love this gazebo and pond with its amazing water lillies that mommy can't stop taking closeups of... and sometimes there are frogs!


and here's a little gift i made for a small friend's birthday. usually i make all the birthday gifts we give away to friends. they'd probably enjoy something from the toystore a lot more, but oh well... i just like doing it.

this here's a toolbelt. i made a similar one for aidan as a test run. they both turned out pretty satisfactory. we kept the hammer for aidan so that ryan's parents wouldn't hate me too much.

the other tools i think are fairly harmless: phillips and flat head screwdrivers, plyers, measuring tape, a tiny clamp, and iddy-biddy adjustable wrench.

that's all for now folks.


Unknown said...

Awww! Their hair is getting so long! Beautiful tool belt. And family.

Nanabel (greatgramma) said...

So tickled to see a new post by you!!! Wonder how
you are doing waiting for
#3??? Nanabel