see? yech!
why is that? anyway, here's me wearing the same outfit, about 27 years ago...

in other randomness, farmer scott has been very busy lately.
he likes to plant seeds, even though there's nowhere to replant them. our lanai is going to be completely covered in pots soon. above are beet sprouts.
even more random, does anyone out there have the same pet peeve as me? the misplaced, misused apostrophe pet peeve? as in: "the dog is chasing it's tail!" or "made with fresh tomatoe's!"
apostrophe abuse is a blog dedicated entirely to this type of atrocity. it's good for a chuckle. and here's this cartoon that explains the correct use of apostrophes:

and i love this ecards site. they are free and actually funny. go carefully, though, as some of them are quite crude. hmmmm... i think that's about all. did you notice i added a links collumn? and if you've been here, fam & friends (or strangers) PLEASE add a comment! it's so nice to hear people's responses. at the end of each post you can see the "0 comments" link. click on that and it should open up a window that you can type a comment in. just say "hi," or "your blog sucks" or whatever. thanks!

Hi! Your blog doesn't suck.
Ivy and you look the same. What on earth - how does that even work exactly?
Thanks so much for your neat blog!!
Only way to keep up on your darling
little Aidan and Ivy.
The veggie recipes are great!!
Glad Scotty likes to grow stuff
from seeds... like his Daddy and
Grandpa Sam.
Nana Bel
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