have you heard of the book
Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day? apparently it's all the rage in baking circles. i've never made bread before because of all the kneading, rising for hours on end, do i add flour? do i add water? etc. but NOW-- it really is the easiest thing ever. you mix the yeast, salt, flour and water in very large container, let it rise for a couple hours or so, stick in it the fridge with an airtight lid and chill for at least three hours. then cut of a piece, shape into a loaf, let it sit for 40 minutes, stick in in the oven and bake. voila. looks like bread, tastes like bread, NO KNEADING. you can get the master recipe
here, and the book has all sorts of variations on that recipe.

mmm, fresh from the oven.
and here's raggedy medusa:

she's a birthday present for one of aidan's playmates.
i know she's all wonky and her arms are too long, but i think she turned out okay.
she was somewhat inspired by
this doll. at least the hair.
she was fun to make and a bit more difficult than i thought she'd be...

here's her back
and here's another little doll

and aidan the conquerer

shortly before she peed on the blanket

let me just see that camera for a minute...
1 comment:
I'm Jeff Hertzberg, one of the co-authors of Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. I'm so glad our recipes are working well for you. Come visit us anytime at http://www.artisanbreadinfive.com, where you can post questions into any "Comments" field, or into the "Bread Questions" gateway on the left side of the homepage.
Jeff Hertzberg
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