Tuesday, December 1, 2009


here are a few pictures of shane, born on sunday, november 29th at 9:15am at home. the midwife's scale said he weighed 9lbs, but that was probably a little off because at the dr. today he weighed 8lbs 4oz. He is 21 in long and his head is 14 in. around. he's nursing well and doing great!


Anonymous said...

He's beautiful! And already looks a lot like you. Hope you all are doing well. Much love -- Kim

Anonymous said...

So glad to see a picture of your dear little Shane!!!
He is my 13th great-grandchild and a mighty fine
looking one!!! Is his name
Shane Kai?? Darling, and so
Hawaiian. I saw his grand
mother, Jenni, today so she
said the pictures were here.
Lots of love to you all!!
Nana Bel